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"Samsung Electronics Expected to Turn Around in Q3 with Operating Profit in the 3 Trillion Won Range" - South Korea News

by The Korea News Translator 2023. 7. 11.




Securities firms have forecasted a turnaround (performance improvement) for Samsung Electronics in the third quarter, stating that the company has achieved or met market expectations for the second quarter of this year.

Samsung Electronics announced on the 7th that its provisional consolidated sales for the second quarter of this year amounted to 60 trillion won, a 6% decrease compared to the previous quarter, and its operating profit decreased by 6% to 600 billion won.

In a report on the 10th, researcher Chae Min-suk from Korea Investment & Securities stated, "It is estimated that the memory sector has reached the bottom and is improving as the inventory asset evaluation loss has decreased compared to the first quarter" and explained that customer inventories in the PC and mobile sectors have returned to normal levels.

Furthermore, the report emphasized, "With supply reduction and demand recovery effects expected to occur simultaneously from the third quarter, the timing for an increase in the average selling price of DRAM will be brought forward."

Some securities firms have predicted that Samsung Electronics will achieve an operating profit of over 3 trillion won in the third quarter of this year.

Researcher Park Yu-ak from Kiwoom Securities explained, "Looking at the second-quarter performance by business segment, it is estimated that the performance of the memory semiconductor and Samsung Display (SDC) has exceeded expectations, while the non-memory semiconductor and Device Experience (DX) segments fell short of expectations."

Additionally, Park stated, "Samsung Electronics will record a turnaround in performance in the third quarter," and presented a sales outlook for the third quarter of 67.7 trillion won, a 13% increase from the second quarter, and an operating profit of 3.7 trillion won, a 512% increase.

Researcher Song Myung-seop from Hi Investment & Securities said, "Samsung Electronics' operating profit in the third quarter is expected to recover to 3.7 trillion won, driven by improvements in all business segments" and explained, "With increased shipments in the DRAM and NAND flash sectors and stabilized average selling prices, there is no expectation of inventory asset evaluation losses."

Kim Dong-won, a researcher from KB Securities, projected, "The operating profit in the third quarter is expected to be 3.3 trillion won, a 47% reduction in losses compared to the second quarter in the semiconductor (DS) segment, and a level that is a 449% increase from the previous quarter and a 70% decrease from the same period last year, along with improved display (DP) performance."

Kim added, "The semiconductor division of Samsung Electronics is expected to turn a profit in the fourth quarter, the first time in a year since the fourth quarter of last year," and emphasized, "The average selling price of DRAM is expected to turn upward after the third quarter, with increased shipments of high-value-added products, while the decline in average selling prices of NAND flash stabilizes and the performance of the foundry business improves."

Kim Woon-ho, a researcher from IBK Investment & Securities, analyzed, "For semiconductors, while the impact of supply reduction may not be significant, there are valid expectations for performance improvement in the second half of the year due to price improvements. As for display and mobile, the third quarter is the peak season, so performance improvement is expected."

DB Financial Investment has provided respective operating profit outlooks of 3.5 trillion won and 3.8 trillion won for Samsung Electronics in the third and fourth quarters.

Researcher Ko Young-min from Shinhan Investment Corp. has projected Samsung Electronics' sales and operating profit for this year to be 270.8 trillion won and 7.3 trillion won, respectively, and stated, "We expect the substantial effect of supply reduction, gradual economic recovery, and a clear inflection point to be formed in the second half of the year."

