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Samsung Electronics in January 2021…Secondary battery in July 2023 [Lim Kyun Column] -SOUTH KOREA News

by The Korea News Translator 2023. 8. 2.

Samsung Electronics in January 2021…Secondary battery in July 2023 [Lim Kyun Column] -SOUTH KOREA News

The repetition of 'Bubble and Black', which is reproduced in two and a half years, will not repeat the regret of ants who have shouted hundreds of thousands of electrons because of the 'different' psychology.

In early 2021, when Colona 19 was in full swing.The global stock market rally, which began in the desperate situation of the world's desperate situation, was hot.I thought the world was collapsing, but the liquidity party was unfolded thanks to the aggressive quantity of major countries.At that time, the stock market was the individual.I had fun with Naver and Kakao, and I ran to the “Samsung Electronics, which is still the Korean economy.”In the sense of saving the country, the new word “Donghak Ant” also appeared.The stock price of Samsung Electronics finally exceeded 90,000 won on January 11, 20121.The ants were crazy.Soon after, Samsung Electronics bought Samsung Electronics.Samsung Electronics' share price, which started at 90,000 won, soared to 96,800 won in the market, and was baptized for the last -minute sale and ended at 91,000 won.On the same day, KOSPI's total net purchases were 4,492.1 billion won, so 38%of individual purchases were driven by Samsung Electronics.Samsung Electronics' share price was the highest point in history.Since then, it has fallen stems and fell to the beginning of 50,000 won last September.There was an empty cry, such as “I have a person on the 8th floor.” “Please send it to the 7th floor.”Still, Samsung Electronics' share price has only surpassed 70,000 won, and two and a half years later, in July 2023, the Korean stock market led the stock market, which is represented by Ecopro and Eco Probem.In July, the POSCO Group's main buyers, which are expanding their lithium -related businesses, were moved by individuals, and POSCO Holdings, one of the large -scale stocks representing domestic stocks, surged 66.8%in just two weeks.On July 25, personal net purchases were nearly 1.17 trillion won.On the day, 85%of the KOSPI market, which is a total net purchase of KRW 1.37 trillion, was focused on one stock.The Ecopro -related stocks are so burdensome and the POSCO Holdings, who runs the same business, has attracted a lot of ant funds, and the next day, 20%of stock transactions were focused on Ecopro and POSCO Holdings.In the morning, the secondary battery soared competitively and turned to a significant weakness in the afternoon.Ecopro turned from 19% to 12%.It was a price of madness with more than 30%of amplitude a day. Some media helped, "Donghak ants are back."This means that individuals save the Korean stock market against short selling forces.Dantokbang, a victim of ants who had jumped into Ecopro and POSCO -related stocks for two days, have already emerged.There is a crush on whether the two days of frenzy are the stock price manipulation, and three days of payment.Two and a half years ago, it is a Deja Vu, which is a mad mad rechargeable battery buying on the 25th and 26th of July, which will be a reproduction of Samsung's historical highs on January 11, 2021. But in the investment market, in the investment marketIt's anxious because I've been excited and swept away.Robert Beckman, who penetrated the history of the bubble, mentioned the human psychology of human beings who want to forget the past because of the repeated reasons for the bubble and the reasons for the repeat..08) This is an article]
