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Samsung Electronics and TSMC met in front of AI, that hard fight [視 Liz] -South Korea News

by The Korea News Translator 2023. 8. 3.

Samsung Electronics and TSMC met in front of AI, that hard fight [視 Liz] -South Korea News

[視 Liz] Samsung's TSMC, which will be captured after the cold wave of semiconductor, and the cursor of the Shrine that will be destroyed by the IP, the Silicon Semiconductor Future Semiconductor, which is imminent, is also imminent.

There are numerous variables in front of Samsung Electronics, which led the K-semiconductor.[Photo = Newsys] We looked at the current status of K-semiconductor waiting for the frame in the first episode of Liz 'Semiconductor Cold'.There are a positive view that 'semiconductors will go up the bottom' everywhere, but there are still a lot of variables that are difficult to optimize.If so, what is the preparation for Samsung Electronics, which represents Korean semiconductors?After the semiconductor cold, it is the second episode.K-semiconductor pride Samsung Electronics recorded a second consecutive quarter in the semiconductor business.The loss amounted to 8.94 trillion won in the second quarter.No matter how bad the semiconductor economy is, it is the first time in 14 years that Samsung Electronics' semiconductor division caused operating losses.The problem is that even if the semiconductor economy recovers, there are many variables that are difficult to optimize the situation.Above all, China's economic situation, the largest market in the domestic semiconductor industry, is not as good as before.At the end of last year, since China resumed economic activity, it expected the effect of 'reopening', but there was no reversal.As China's economic growth rate is below expectations, Peak China is raising his head, where China's economic growth has entered the downhill.Not only that.Another concern is that the center of the semiconductor industry is moving from mobile to artificial intelligence (AI).This is because Korea has strengths in mobile semiconductors, while AI is not standing out in the AI field, so how is Samsung preparing for this change?Until here, Liz's first part of the semiconductor cold wave was dealt with.In the second episode of 'Leeds after the semiconductor cold', Samsung Electronics' foundry business will be expected and the semiconductor technology ahead of the paradigm shift.

The center of the semiconductor industryIt is moving from mobile to AI.The photo shows Jensen Hwang Nvidia CEO.In particular, Samsung Electronics, which is chasing TSMC in the foundry market, has expressed its willingness to expand its application to high performance computing (HPC) and automotive (automotive).At the Samsung Electronics Foundry/SAFE Forum 2023 held on July 4th, Samsung Electronics' Foundry Business Division said, "AI is creating a new market in various scenes such as server, mobile, and automobiles.""We will lead the paradigm of the AI era through close and preemptive cooperation with the specialty process and the global IP partner."It also revealed the specific roadmap to expand the service to the process and the 2027 automotive process.Let's look at specific reasons.First of all, it is difficult to ignore the difference in 'reference'.In the foundry market, AI and HPC have actually been dominated by TSMC.Most companies, including NVIDIA, AMD and Intel, are leaving TSMC to produce AI and HPC chips.On the other hand, sales of Samsung Electronics Foundry business are concentrated on mobile semiconductors.This is because of the system LSI division.The main product of the system LSI division, which accounts for a large share of the sales of Samsung Electronics Foundry, is mobile semiconductor.Naturally, he would have to focus on the mobile process.Moreover, due to the lack of AI and HPC product competitiveness in the domestic fabless industry, it is likely that it is difficult to secure other reference.It is divided into the 'foundry' division, which is in charge of the LSI 'business division and semiconductor consignment production business.] It is a very important factor to have various references.An official of the industry said, "We are verified that there are a lot of reference in the field."

Not only.Samsung Electronics is also pushed by TSMC.Design assets (IP).The importance of the Foundry market is as important as the micro process technology.The more the foundry company has a variety of IP portfolios, the more the fabless can shorten the semiconductor design period.TSMC is known to have an IP portfolio of 10 times more than Samsung Electronics.Is as follows.Foundry companies hand over fair information to IP companies.Then, IP companies develop and provide IP optimized for the process based on fair information.]It is much weaker than TSMC, ”he said.At the same time, he said, "In fact, Samsung Electronics is not rich in IP portfolios in mobile processes," he said.It will also have a difficult time to secure customers. ”■ Variables ➌ Silicon Semiconductor = The last thing to look at is that the paradigm of the current semiconductor technology has reached its limit.In short, this is this.Currently, semiconductors are based on silicone.The semiconductor performance has been enhanced by the slightly and smaller cuts of the circuit on the silicon.[Photo = Yonhap News] However, the semiconductor -based semiconductor is considered to be the limit of 1 nano.Not only is it difficult to make smaller, but even if you make it, it is difficult to work properly as a semiconductor.According to the roadmap of Samsung Electronics and TSMC, mass production of 2 nano processes will begin in 2025.After that, you need to find new technologies that can increase semiconductor performance, whether it's good or not.It's not about the near future, but if you don't prepare from now on, it's likely to fall behind in the future 'New Semiconductor' competition.Let's listen to Professor Lee Jong -hwan's explanation."Research institutes, universities, and companies around the world are studying new concepts of semiconductor devices. The future semiconductor version will vary depending on who commercializes and dominates new technologies.We must also prepare for our strengths in advance.It is still insignificant, but in the near future, it may change the world of the world's semiconductor industry.Are we preparing for the new semiconductor era?Ko Jun -young, the Duskoop Manager, shamandn2@thescoop.co.kr
